
Usamos el poder de la COMIDA para generar cambios socioeconónicos en comunidades de bajos recursos

Entrenamiento Culinario

Asistencia Alimentaria


Incubadora de Pequeños Negocios Culinarios


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Empleos Obtenidos


Retención de Empleo


Comidas Distribuídas

"La Cocina VA me dio la oportunidad de comenzar de nuevo. No había tranajado en 10 años y nunca me gustó cocinar, pero una vez que me uní al entrenamiento culinario me enamoré de la cocina. Ya tengo trabajando más de tres años en la industria culinaria y me siento muy bien, incluso estoy considerando entrar a la universidad para continuar mis estudios." - Carmen

“La Cocina VA me ha ayudado a conseguir un buen trabajo y tener una mejor carrera culinaria. Gracias a la educación y el apoyo que he recibido de ellos, me he vuelto más profesional en mi trabajo. ¡Gracias, La Cocina!” - Hilario

"Hace 9 años me mudé a este país con mi familia. He sido realmente bendecida por La Cocina VA, me han brindado a mi a todos mis compañeros de clase todo lo que necesitábamos. Ahora soy dueña de mi propio negocio de banquetes y eventos. Estoy muy agradecida por la oportunidad que me han brindado como inmigrante hispana. He logrado mi sueños!" - Hingris

Sea un Voluntario

Es gracias a nuestros colaboradorares que nuestros clientes tienen la oportunidad de comenzar una nueva vida y construír una carrera exitosa. Además, a través de tu apoyo muchas comunidades vulnerables en nuestra área pueden recibir comidas saludables y nutritivas. 


Echa un vistazo a las ÚLTIMAS noticias

por Website Editor 23 jul., 2018
The announcement of a partnership between La Cocina VA and ProsperoLatino has generated much attention as these two organizations are on a mission to empower more members of the community for sustainable and long-term workforce and entrepreneurship development opportunities. La Cocina VA which initially focused on supporting and empowering the Latino community has now expanded its reach to help other Americans, other immigrants, and the members of our veteran community. We are proud and excited about this partnership where both organizations are bringing expertise, knowledge, and resources to impact change at different levels working on direct services, advocacy, and providing ecosystems of resources created to serve the needs of our most vulnerable communities. Thanks to Jose Parra and Julio Lainez for your vision. Read more about this partnership on ProsperoLatino’s website . PDF: PL LCVA Partnership – ENGLISH Press Release
por Website Editor 25 sep., 2017
Kitchen of Purpose (formerly La Cocina VA) is a participant in Guidestar Platinum. The GuideStar Platinum program recognizes nonprofit organizations focused on measuring their progress and results in important new ways. It helps results-oriented nonprofits evaluate their impact beyond simple financial metrics, and pass on key information to funders and other stakeholders. Learn more about Guidestar Platinum here.
por Website Editor 28 ago., 2017
As it Celebrates its 15th Anniversary Serving the Greater Washington Region, the Catalogue for Philanthropy is Proud to Honor Kitchen of Purpose. WASHINGTON, D.C. June 12th, 2017 . After a careful vetting process, the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington has selected Kitchen of Purpose to be part of the Class of 2017-18. Kitchen of Purpose has undergone an extensive review process, and has met the Catalogue’s high standards. Potential donors can be confident that the nonprofits in the Catalogue are worthy of their support. “ Kitchen of Purpose ’s mission is to use the power of food as an agent of social and economic change generating workforce and economic development” This year the Catalogue celebrates its 15th anniversary: since its inception it has raised $38 million for nonprofits in the region. It also offers trainings, neighborhood-based opportunities for collaboration, and a speakers series for individuals who want to learn about and engage with the needs, challenges, and accomplishments of our shared community. This year, reviewers helped select 76 charities to feature in the print edition, 34 of which are new to the Catalogue this year. It also selected an additional 32 nonprofits to be re-featured on its website, and congratulated ten on growing beyond its $3million budgetary limit. The network now includes over 400 vetted nonprofits working in the arts, education, environment, human services, and international sectors throughout greater Washington. (International charities must be headquartered in the DC region.) “People want to know where to give and they need trusted information. Based on our in-depth review, we believe that Kitchen of Purpose is one of the best community-based nonprofits in the region,” says Barbara Harman, founder and president of the Catalogue for Philanthropy. “Our work empowers immigrants for culinary jobs and entrepreneurship, while promoting healthy food. The impact of our work represents a circle of sustainability that creates job opportunities, fosters small business development and provides healthier eating options for the most needed,” says Patricia Funegra, Founder and CEO of Kitchen of Purpose . The Catalogue believes in the power of small nonprofits to spark big change. As the only locally-focused guide to giving, its goal is to create visibility for the best community-based charities, fuel their growth with philanthropic dollars, and create a movement for social good in the greater Washington region. The Catalogue charges no fees; it raises funds separately to support its work. ### MEDIA CONTACTS For the nonprofit: Patricia Funegra patyfunegra@lacocinava.org 202-316-5614 For the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Adam Shapiro Adam.Shapiro@ASPR.bz 202-427-3603
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